Annotate the main()
function of your test file with the @Match
annotation. Pass a list of widget types to the finders
param to generate a finder counterpart.
@Match(finders: [MyWidget, HomeScreen, ItemListView])
void main() {
//Test code in here
A ${my_test_file}.finders.dart
file containing generated custom finder classes is created after running the generation command. The generated custom finders are private by default and expose a global variable or function for use.
Generated finder class names follow the pattern _${MyWidgetName}MatchFinder
class _MyWidgetMatchFinder extends MatchFinder {
//Generated code
The exposed global variable or function name is prefixed with the word 'find' followed by the widget name.
final findMyWidget = _MyWidgetMatchFinder();
findMyWidget(String text) => _MyWidgetMatchFinder(text: text);
The generated code will contain a constructor field for every declaration marked without a default value.
findMyWidget(String text) => _MyWidgetMatchFinder(text: text);
class _MyWidgetMatchFinder extends MatchFinder {
required String text,
}) : _text = text;
final String _text;
In cases of a generic type widget, finder-gen-matcher takes this into account.
Assuming we have a generic widget.
class MyGenericWidget<K, V> extends StatelessWidget {
/// Widget code
The generated code header output will be:
findMyGenericWidget<K, V>() => _MyGenericWidgetMatchFinder<K, V>();
Import the finder path to your test file:
import '${my_test_file}.finders.dart';
Use the generated finder by passing it as the first argument to the expect()
function in your test file.
testWidgets('Ensures MyWidget is found', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await _pumpApp(tester);
/// The [findMyWidget] is generated by this tool
expect(findMyWidget, findsOneWidget);
/// The [findMyGenericWidget<K, V>()] is generated by this tool
expect(findMyGenericWidget<String, int>(), findsOneWidget);
/// The [findMySpecificWidget(required bool isSpecific)] is generated by this tool
expect(findMySpecificWidget(isSpecific: true), findsOneWidget);
While running the command to generate files, you might encounter some build failures. The table below summarises the exceptions that are likely to be thrown during development to better equip you in resolving them.
Triggers | Message |
Passing a non-widget class type to @Match annotation |
Unsupported class: Finder can only be generated for widgets |
Applying @MatchDeclaration annotation on a method with parameters |
Unsupported: annotated method should have no parameter |
Applying @MatchDeclaration annotation on a private declaration |
Unsupported access modifier: Cannot utilise a private declaration |
Applying @MatchDeclaration annotation to a declaration that isn’t a field, getter, or method |
Unsupported entity annotated: Apply annotations to Fields, Methods, or Getters only |
To request a feature or file an issue check out the GitHub page.